Thursday, October 31, 2013

I'm Fine, Thanks

For the past year Barb and I have been planning our escape from this rat race lifestyle. We've looked at to many RV's to count, we've worked out a budget at least four or five times. I've researched working on the road and where to stay and paying less by staying longer in one place. I think this is going to work. This is doable, it really is.

Then that little devil that sits up on your shoulder and tries to get you in trouble by whispering things in your ear. You know what he says. This is life get use to it, You need more stuff, you can't just up and sell everything you own that's crazy. You are the sensible one. So why do I listen to this little guy? Because what he says makes a lot of sense.

But at the same time he's also a little full of himself. The truth is I'm tired of doing what's right or the norm. I'm ready to live life as I see fit. I downloaded a great movie called “I'm Fine, Thanks” it was put together by a guy that went to cinematography school. He had spent his life doing what was expected of him. You know getting a job, wife, children, house, more stuff. But he wasn't happy. He never made a movie. Like a lot of us “Life got very Ho Hum”.

So he set out to make a movie. With the help of four friends they set out across the country to interview people that had the same attitude, “THIS IS LIFE, THIS IS WHAT WE DO”. What started out without a lot of direction turned into one of those Ah Ha moments. He found a bunch of people that had no direction in their life and then they found the courage to take a stand from Ho Hum and turn their lives around. They had found their direction in life. I've recently found myself second guessing our decision to join the full time RV'ing lifestyle.

You know, is this the right choice for me, Can I really make this plan a reality? Since watching this movie I've come to the conclusion I've got to power through my doubt's and fears and just do this. I keep hearing this quote from the movie “If you're going to do something, Now's the chance, You don't have forever”

I saw a thread on one of my facebook groups this past Tuesday. The question that was posted was Am I making a mistake by going Full time. The question got 39 responses (all positive) and it sank in finally. This is MY choice to do and if I fail at least I tried.

In closing, I only have this left to say.

It's Only When You Start Making Choices For Yourself, That You Can Live Your Own Dream Instead Of The American Dream Which Is Somebody Else's Dream.

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