I think my brain may turn
to mush before we get there. We're still discussing (debating)
actually what type of RV we want to get. Looks like it will be a
5th. Wheel, at least we can agree on that.
Anyway, we continue to
purge and sell off everything we own. It seems like a juggling act
trying to figure out when is the right time to sell the dining room
set. We've already sold the kitchen table so do we keep it till the
very end or eat in front of the television. Then there's the living
room furniture, I guess we could set on the camping chairs the kids
got us last year. That could be a little uncomfortable for who knows
how long as we wait for the house to sell.
I won't sell our bedroom
set or at least the bed until the very end because I WILL NOT sleep
on the floor if at all possible. Of course we do have a air mattress (from our tent camping days)
so maybe it could go after all.
Talking about stuff I
won't sell, let's talk about tools. Now I don't claim to be a master
mechanic but going on the road means taking care of a lot of fixes
and repairs to save a little money. I've read a bunch of articles
about what some guys refuse to leave behind. The main concern seems
to be how much all those tools weigh. I've not weighed my tools yet
but I think I might be a little overweight. Actually I think they
are way over weight. That's a purge I'll have to deal with at a
later date. I hope I'm not trying to hang on to them for no reason.
After all I'm not Tim the ToolMan Taylor.
Safe Travels and I Hope to See You Down the Road.
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