Sunday, April 27, 2014

Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts on getting on the Road Fulltime

So the purge continues. We had another garage sale this past Saturday. I know our neighbors must be thinking “Just how much junk do these people have?”

Well evidently, quite a lot. Well to be honest we've been married now for I think 18 years and we were both married before. So yes we do have a whole bunch of stuff to get rid of. Funny thing is even while we seem to be selling lots of stuff, we still seem to have a lot left. The garage doesn’t look like its getting empty at all. Could we be growing more junk some how?

I don't think we are over pricing our stuff, as a matter of fact I think we might be under pricing on lots of things. But my thought is we want to get rid of this stuff not haul it off to Goodwill or some other thrift store. Barb has had the hardest time. She has a lot of collectables as in Longaberger Baskets, as in they were very expensive. Of course nobody wants to give you what they are worth so there's haggling going on and Barb HATES to haggle. Especially when she's on the wrong end of the haggle. I will say she seems to be adjusting pretty well and understands we are moving from 2000 square feet of house to about 250 square feet of house and we can only take so many baskets with us. I wont even start with her Precious Moments figurines. Enough on garage sales.

We're going to become fulltime RV'ers. As a matter of fact, if you look on the left side of what you are reading right now I have a countdown timer that shows 202 days before we leave on our new lifestyle. That was as of Sunday 4/27/14. That's only about 7 months from now. Wow, less than a year from now and I'm going to be homeless and unemployed. You know that little devil that sat on your shoulder and tried to get you in trouble and told you you can't do this or that. Well he seems to be holding a party on my shoulders because I'm having all kinds of doubt about this whole thing. I'm trying to not listen to him because I've crunched all the numbers in the budget, I've looked at so many budgets and blogs from other fulltimers that I think I might need to see my eye doctor again real soon. The bottom line is I just can't find any reason why we can't do this. We will still need to work some to enjoy this new lifestyle but again I can't see any reason not to do it.

We're still up in the air about which type of camper will work best for us and now I'm starting to take a hard look at fiberglass campers. Yes I'm talking about Casita's and a whole line of other brands. I've found one 25 footer by Bigfoot that looks pretty good. The main thing about fiberglass campers are they are two piece construction. A bottom half and a top half. Meaning there are no seams to leak up on the roof. They don't seem to be four season campers but I don't plan on spending any time up north during the winter either. One big advantage is a smaller tow vehicle which can be used for storage also. This could be a uphill battle because Barb is still dead set against anything that looks like a Casita. Stay tuned the war rages on.

         Safe Travels and I Hope to See You Down the Road.

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