Thursday, July 18, 2013

$$$ For Sale CHEAP

    Part of planning to go full time is trying to decide what to do with all of your stuff. No matter what type of RV you choose you will NOT have enough room to take everything. So what do you do with it all. You can give it away to friends and family, store it, which can run into a whole lot of money. Or sell it, thats the route we are taking. We've had 2 yard sales so far and though I feel we did pretty well, you can't even tell we've made a dent in what we have.

    Don't think you will get top dollar for your stuff, its not going to happen. That's not the idea anyway. You need to downsize so you can take only the items you need when you go. Remember your RV will have a weight limit and you don't want to go over that limit. And speaking of weights, that's a whole other kettle of fish. We'll talk about that later, (in other words when I can figure it out myself). Now back to the yard sale. Deciding what to sell is going to be one of the hardest things you will have to do. But it has to be done, it just won't all fit in the RV. I have a large book collection of my favorite author. No way it can go with us, so I'm giving it to my daughter. No I won't have my collection but I know it will be enjoyed and taken care of.

    It can also be quite funny as you start going though stuff. I was pulling tools out to sell and found I had three heavy duty staple guns. Not just three but all three were the exact same model number. Now how did I ever come to own 3 of the same staple gun.Who knows, anyway two of them went into the yard sale.

    Well we plan to have plenty of yard sales until everything is gone. Here's hoping you have much success in your sales.

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