There were over
one thousand reenactors here and they put on quite a show. The
Scouts Sertoma Club did a fantastic job again this year putting on
this annual event.
The main reason we came
here was to be close to the kids and grandkids for a few months, two
of the kids came for the raid and brought all the grandkids. We got
to go to church with them all Christmas Eve and spent Christmas day
with all of them again.
Just a quick plug, I've
read a lot of RV forums about reviews on the Nuwave cooktop. Barb
and I decided to get one. It works great, heats up faster than any
other electric cooktop, holds the heat you set it to. You can put
your hand on the top and not get burned, its warm but not cool like
the infomercial says, no big deal. Of course you can only cook one
pot or pan at a time so you need to use another cooktop for any side
dish. We have a small 2 burner electric cooker for that, might as
well save your propane for when you need it. I highly recommend
getting one, we use ours every day, unless Barb breaks out the crock
pot which happens a lot.
Another major task that we
got to put to bed was getting our health insurance concerns taken
care of. Thanks Florida Blue. We can now travel and be covered
without breaking the bank. And speaking of travel next month we get
back on the road and head north stopping near Atlanta, Georgia so
Barb can visit with her mom and brother before heading on to Cherokee
North Carolina where we start workamping March 1st.
This past week we went to
the Florida RV Super Show at the Florida State Fairgrounds in Tampa.
All kinds of RV's to see but nothing we would trade our 5th.
Wheel for. At least not in our price range. I did see a few Class
A's I could live with but sorry to say I'm not one of the 3 powerball
winners. That's about all we've been up to, so until next time.
Safe Travels, And I Hope To See You Down The Road.
Safe Travels, And I Hope To See You Down The Road.
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