Thursday, June 18, 2015

It takes a Thief

I'm NO Alexander Mundy

When workamping be careful what the boss asks you to do. You could be joining a theft ring, and not even know it. Case in point. Wednesday afternoon my boss asked me to get the truck and go to the overflow parking lot and get the trailer so we could move some telephone poles that we had been using for seating at the old movie theater.

I grab the pick up truck and head out to the overflow parking lot. Over flow is where people park when they come out for the day to the water park and campers that have extra cars and trailers that can't be kept at your campsite. So out to overflow I go and there sits a red flat bed trailer with no license plate on it. Now keep in mind ITS the only trailer out there.

I back up to it (on the first try I might add) and off I go cruising through the park. I weave my way to the back side of the park to the now closed theater. As I round the last corner of campsites I see ahead of me Joe sitting on the front end loader with a telephone pole on it. Tyrone is standing there directing me where to park.

As I pull up Tyrone says to me “that's not our trailer”. Joe burst out laughing and says, “where's our trailer”? Tyrone said we moved it back by the carpentry shop. Joe, still laughing his backside off says to me “Who's trailer did you steal”? I of course yell back, I don't know, but I'll be right back.

I try to hurry back to over flow parking as quick as I can staying under 10 miles an hour. As I'm driving back I'm just waiting for some guy to jump out in front of me yelling where you going with my trailer? And of course not waiting for an answer from me he proceeds to beat me to a pulp before calling the police.

So bottom line... Make sure the boss knows where all of his equipment is before going to get it. Oh well, just another adventure in the life of a workamper.

Safe Travels And I Hope To See You Down The Road

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