Sunday, April 19, 2015

Blue Bell

So once we found out the home for Blue Bell ice cream was just a short 30 minute drive west of here on Hwy 290 I felt we were obligated to hop in the truck and take the tour. We drove to Brenham, Texas on our day off for a little site seeing. The building is very nondescript with only Blue Bell posted across the top.

Signs outside lead us to the tour entrance, inside the lobby where you pay $6.00 to take the tour is the history of Blue Bell in pictures. Pretty interesting. Just an FYI, no cameras are allowed on the tour. Every 15 minutes a new tour begins. Our guide was very knowledgeable and informative. She answered everybody's questions along the way.

It was interesting to see almost the entire operation automated, with humans there to do the most minimal of tasks. Like turning a box over after the machine fills it with 6 cartoons. The ice cream sandwich station moved along at quite a clip. The lady there only had to load the machine with cake slabs. Within seconds a completely wrapped ice cream sandwich zipped down the line to be boxed by another machine.

As the tour came to an end we all knew what was coming, a free scoop of ice cream.  We entered an old fashioned ice cream parlor and were treated to sixteen
different kinds of ice cream to choose from. Also part of the parlor was a gift shop with everything under the sun with Blue Bell stamped on it.  A little to much for me.  All in all, it was a very interesting tour and some really good ice cream,  I would recommend it to anybody who finds themselves in east Texas with about an hour on your hands. 

Sunday, April 12, 2015


Since I'm in charge of the putt putt course here at Yogi Bear Jellystone Park. It was no big surprise to get a call on my radio to go to the first hole on the course to handle a problem. As I drove up I was greeted by four little kids and a teenager from the rental office.

As I was asking what's going on I noticed the maintenance supervisor standing about 30 yards away just laughing his butt off. I instantly knew I was in trouble since practical jokes are away of life with some of these guys, Myself included. I soon found out I had a serious situation on my hands, at least in the minds of the kids.

Seems a frog got down under the hole and got stuck trying to get out again. It was half out and half in. What to do? The kids were making all kinds of suggestions on how to remove the frog. All I could think of, Why me? After a few minutes of thought, and I mean a very few minutes. Come on its a frog. We pulled, no good. We poured water on it hoping the frog could wiggle its way out some how.

I finally convinced the kids if we just leave the frog alone and let him relax maybe he would be able to wiggle himself out. I told the kids everybody gets a Hole-in-One on this hole and move on to the next hole and I would check on froggy in the morning. After convincing the kids that caution tape around the hole was not needed. I did leave the flag laying across the tee area.

Well all's well that ends well. Saturday morning as we set up the course for the day we found Froggy wasn't there anymore. Thank Goodness. Thankfully the rest of the day was uneventful except for all the calls for animal control. Not Funny, Guys. 

Safe Travels and I Hope To See You Down The Road

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Texas Barbecue Part II

I was told the best barbecue joints will be found in gas stations. I was a little skeptical about this to say the least, but willing to give it a try. Some of the local guys that work here at Lonestar Jellystone Park told me to try Waller County Line BBQ. Its located at the intersection of US 290 and FM 362. That's right, in a gas station.

We got there about 1:15 in the afternoon and the place was packed. We walked in and saw a very long line that we of course got in. A large area beyond the line was the dining area packed in between the beer coolers and the bakery area. The menu was on a letter board above the deli area where you placed your order.

You then inched your way to the register counter where you could buy candy, cigarettes, pay for your order and pay for gas. All this took about 15 minutes. We made our way to a table, popped the top off of the Styrofoam container and was amazed how large our sliced beef sandwiches were. Barb decided right off a fork was needed, I felt the only way to eat this monster was pick it up and just go for it. Here's a tip. Every table has a whole roll of paper towels on it. You will need them. Trust me on this.

Outside to the side of the building is where the magic happens. Wood is stacked up and the smell is unbelievable. Two guys smoking all kinds of meat were hard at work keeping the deli counter stocked and two ladies inside filling orders just as fast as they were able.

Our sandwiches were hot and juicy, the meat was tender with a nice smoke flavor. the over sized bun was fresh.  Bottom Line on Waller County Line BBQ.  If you leave hungry, It's your own fault.  
I know this is only the second BBQ joint we've been to so far, but even Barb agrees Waller County Line BBQ was the best of the two. We will continue our search for great barbecue places as we get to travel a little while in Texas this summer.

Safe Travels and I Hope To See You Down The Road